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Below I have posted the criteria I use for proofing patterns.  It can be very time consuming, and frustrating, at times.  See I am one of those crazy people that think I have to proof it 10,000 times(ok maybe that's exaggerating a little)cause I might have missed something.  Then I may not touch it for a week or so, and totally forget where I left off, so I devised an outline to follow, and it really has helped  me alot.  This way if I get distracted with another project I can make notes where I left off and what parts I have finished proofing, with a simple check mark.  So, I thought  maybe this would be helpful to others so, I am passing it along.

I staple the outline right to the pattern instructions.

_____________________________PATTERN NAME
SPELLING______I go thru the entire pattern and spell each word, outloud.

GRAMMAR_____I go thru the entire pattern and check grammar ie; did i put  the comma in the correct place, did I use the proper word,......and so on. I do one sentence at a time.

INCLUDED ALL SUPPLIES______I go thru the entire patten, with the finished piece in front of me and check to see if I have included all of the supplies needed to complete the project. 

INCLUDED ALL PAINTS________Same as supplies.

INSTRUCTIONS ARE CORRECT_______Same as supplies.

LINE DRAWING IS CORRECT_______Same as supplies.

Notes_________________________Notes for any changes to pattern.

I know this won't catch every error, after all, we are only human, but it sure does help me.  Hopefully someone else can find this useful.  Please feel free to post comments to my blog and pass it along if you find this helpful.  Thanks for looking.